The DOT SAP Evaluation Process

A DOT SAP evaluation is the initial step in the DOT return-to-duty process after an individual's non-compliance with a DOT drug or alcohol test. We understand the urgency of your return to work within the DOT return to duty process, which is why we prioritize prompt appointment scheduling for DOT SAP evaluations.

Step 1: Comprehensive Assessment

The first phase involves the employee completing a comprehensive face-to-face clinical assessment with the SAP Evaluator. This assessment can take place in person, over Zoom, or via FaceTime.

Step 2: Treatment Recommendations

Following the assessment, the SAP Evaluator makes recommendations for treatment and/or educational courses for the DOT employee.

Step 3: Education/Treatment Completion

The employee proceeds to complete the recommended education and/or treatment program.

Step 4: Follow-Up Evaluation

Upon finishing the education and/or treatment program, the SAP Evaluator conducts a face-to-face follow-up evaluation. This evaluation can be in person, over Zoom, or via FaceTime. Its purpose is to determine if the employee is in compliance with the initial evaluation and the recommended treatment and/or course of education.

Step 5: Notice of Compliance

If everything progresses successfully, and the employee successfully completes the education and/or treatment program, they will receive a notice of compliance. This notice allows them to return to work.

DOT SAP Near offers the Lowest Cost SAP Evaluations in the country,
To Help You Get Back To Work

Call Us First!  

800 794-0774


Hours of operation 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. / 7 days a week (PT)

For more informatino and to schedule your session call 

800 794-0774

Freqently Asked Question

I Failed A Drug Test, What Happens Now?
If you violate a Department of Transportation drug or alcohol regulation, you will need to complete the return-to-duty process before being eligible to go back to work.
Until you complete a return-to-duty process, you are subject to federal civil and criminal penalties.

If I Have A Violation, Do I Absolutely Have To See A SAP?
Yes. The DOT requires that a qualified and trained SAP evaluate every employee with a DOT violation.

Can I Be Evaluated By Someone Who Is Not A SAP?
No. Your employer cannot accept recommendations from anyone who is not a qualified SAP.


We also provide court ordered evaluations for Municipal & Superior Courts.

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